The Elephant in the Room
In 2015, The Crossing Church spoke on this issue and inspired this painting: Ever heard the phrase, "The elephant in the room"? This common phrase refers to the things in our lives that seem so large and impossible to tackle that we ignore the issue altogether. Your elephant in your room can be many things. For some it’s their finances, others addiction, and many their faith. I have added this piece to Faces of Santa Ana's collection, because the city's homeless problem is the obvious elephant in the room. Many volunteer their help, some give a few dollars here and there, but most people ignore the issue altogether. This piece serves as a reminder that the homeless are not invisible. Address whatever the "elephant is in your life". Hang this piece in your home and stare directly into those things buried deep that eventually will explode. But most importantly, find the beauty in facing your "elephant" and freeing yourselves and your heart.